Monday, May 15, 2006

What is a "mother"?

I have been pondering this question in light of Mother's Day. Since I had no time to workout yesterday (Mothers Day), I had lots of time to reflect on it. I still cannot believe I am a mom. Really, sometimes I think it is scary that I am responsible for bringing up other human life. We know there is a learning curve in all things we attempt. I often hope and pray that the curve of child rearing is not so steep that I adversely affect their psychological well being. All of this to say, I know for myself, I am a better mom when I am a mom who has taken the time for herself to exercise in the morning. My fuse is not as short, my tolerance for little things is greater, and all things just seem right with the world when I have had a cardio fix. That being said, Mothers Day was nice to be spent with the fam, but lacking a huge component of what I love so much...a workout.

Today was a 6 1/2 mile run followed by 1800 in the pool. I am taking my hubby's friend's advice. Chad, a seasoned swimmer and polo player, said he keeps all things in the pool short and sweet, like 1500, so he doesn't burn out. I am going to use that one for my benefit and hope it works for me, too. Perhaps that is my new mantra in the pool, "Shorter is better, shorter is better..."

Tonight is a scheduled short run with the Elite/Foot Locker Team in Torrey Pines. I am nervous about pace and conversation, but anticipating good things. Hope I am not overly optimistic about it all. We shall see.

The run was an easy 40 minutes or so through Torrey Pines trails. The guys are all very nice and I am looking forward to the race, though nervous now, as usual. I think we might all be able to bring a little something to the table to ante up and contribute something positive for each other. I am so happy to be in taper mode.

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