Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday in the rain

Isn't the rainy season over? I was awakened at 3 am to pouring rain, I mean, howling rain. I laid in bed before the alarm went off and weighed my options. What were the chances that the girls would want to run in this? Pretty good, I reckoned, so I dragged myself out of bed into the dark and to the gym. Did a quick lift and when I got back into the car, found 2 voice messages. both Theresa and Susan had called within 5 minutes of each other cancelling the run. It was still pouring.

So, there I sat in the car, rain pounding against my windows, debating my next move. Did I really want to run alone in the cold sleet? No. Definitely not. I considered going back home and climbing into bed. I probably would have if I were not such a germaphobe. There was no way I could shower without waking the household and I was not about to climb back into clean sheets clamy and sweaty from the germy gym. The compromise was to go back inside the gym and get on the gauntlet (the rotating staircase) for an hour. I sweat like a pig, which was well deserved, considering I ate like one this past weekend in Malibu.

Back in the car and into the pool. Long Course. I think I only swam about 1000 before I had to get out and get home for hubs to get out the door to golf. The sun had actually broken through with the promise of a nice day. That is was.

The team was supposed to meet to run tonight, but they moved the run to tomorrow night last minute. Kind of a bummer, since I cannot make it. Next time, maybe.

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