Friday, October 12, 2007

So Tired

Today we ran 20...maybe a little more. I love this group because they are so easily convinced to do anything. For a haphazard kind of Triple A group, they are all so happy to accomodate. I woke up at 3:20 am (after being up with the little guy a few times in the night...nightmares, you know) feeling exhausted. Walked out my front door to rain and lightening and Lori waiting in my driveway. We ran South to the Country Club to pick up Kimmie, Craig and Lisa, only too bad for me, I stepped in a puddle up to my knees. Because it was super dark, it was difficult to make out the road (read: swamp). We made a pit stop back at our house on our way back North to start loop one.

We made another stop an hour into the run at Barry's law office for potty and water break, back the bridge toward South again. At that point, we said goodbye to Lisa, Kimmie and Craig (who only needed 13 miles) and Lori and I continued on for another loop. That one hurt. The rain picked up, we were wet and tired. Finished at our house and parted ways. I walked in the revolving door, with Marc waiting for me to sunscreen him so he could get to his Jungle Trail for his 20 miler.

Tonight we are on a mini vacation and it is so fun to be seeing southern Florida. Cannot wait to fall into bed.....

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