Monday, October 15, 2007

The Fish Bowl

We live in one. A teeny tiny town where we bump into everyone all the time and somehow everyone knows everyone else's business and no one is anonymous. Annoying. I think I am peeved because I want to hate all these people so I can leave without severing any ties and go back to the life I want. I want to stop living like my life is on hold and have the kids in schools where I want them, and have the house and yard I want, and weather that is conducive to playing outside.

Today I wanted to take the kids to ride bikes, since our street is so nice and flat, but it was so hot, they were spent before we ventured out. They had no interest in going because it was hot. We did homework and read books instead. The weather is terrible, and no matter what people say about how nice the winters are here, it does not make up for the blistering heat of summer and now fall. I think they just do not know it any differently? People here are nice, but they move at the pace of molasses. I just got a call tonight from the company who is coming tomorrow to install the microwave that needs to be replaced in our house. I knew the woman was drunk the other night when she scheduled me for tomorrow at 9:00am. Her confirmation call tonight was, "Okay, I have you down for between 11 and 2 tomorrow." I said, "No, actually, you crack smoker, I am first on the docket tomorrow. Did you forget?" She quickly adjusted her day planner for me. I think in these parts, they have to allow for the drunk dial daily.

Are people really people wherever we go? I say no. There are some lifestyles that I will just never, never become accustomed to. Maybe it is because I grew up in LA that I can tolerate most anyone. I have nothing against any race, religion, gender, sexual preference or orientation. I was raised in a very open-minded home where off color jokes were not allowed. I genuinely appreciate differences in cultures. But, I cannot stand ignorant people, and that seems to be prevalent here. I really am coming to despise people who are just not educated and who are drunk before 9 am. Something is just wrong about that. Being hung over at that time is acceptable, but getting up and drinking with the sun? There are plenty of people like that in this town. It feels like a crazy chapter in a storybook from the sixties, except it is actually happening here.

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