Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More Of The Same

Today was more humidity, more rain, more things to do on the never-ending list. We ran around and did a million errands, did gymnastics, made it to school for Pottery Night, finished homework, and on and on. The list of phone calls was endless, with people to connect with in both LA and SD. The house is far too big and never gets cleaned sufficiently (note to self: ask husband to get on board with the idea of a housekeeper)to my standards. There simply are not enough hours in the day to make it all happen.
My daughter and I always play the High and Low Game where we recount our day and tell each other our best and worst event of the day. Today my high was hanging out with the kids at the local smoothie place after school. My low was in the pool this morning when the coach was not quite so generous with compliments for my stroke. I was really off in my timing today....tired after the track workout we did and felt sluggish in the water. I've been cutting back on caffeine and it is killing me.

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