Friday, April 28, 2006

Swim like I mean it

Much needed day off from running....not one mile. Only laced up my shoes for the gym.

5 am gym to lift legs and bis/tris

6m Masters Workout
We were supposed to be in the new pool for long course, but I was actually a little relieved to be short course today, due to a water polo match in the new facility. Long course just sounded like too much work. I have decided I need to adjust my attitude completely about the pool. All too often it defeats me entirely. I am not a swimmer. I don't pretend to be one. I am dead smack in the middle of the pool for my interval. The only think I love about the workout is the coffee I drink at the pool's edge between sets and chatting it up with friends. Today I decided I was going to swim the whole set if it killed me and forgo the jacuzzi altogether.

300 warm up

200 on base
2 x 100 base minus 5

2 x 100 fast, 100 recovery
4 x 50 fast, 100 recovery
4 x 25 fast, 100 recovery

100 fast IM order, 100 recovery
4 x 50 fast IM order, 100 recovery
4 x 25 fast IM order, 100 recovery

This was the most pool work I have done all week, so I felt pretty good about the set. Love when Allison leads the lane because it is work but not punishment. Smooth and steady, which is just what I needed for a Friday.

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