Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"The Rainy Season"

This is every one's favorite response when I bemoan the weather. It rained all day today, only to stop to make way for more gray skies and then more rain. On and off all day long, it rained. I usually don't mind rain, I even quite like the rain. I think I used to love the rain when it was the oddity and novelty of Southern California. Here, I am coming to accept the rain as a random act at any given point in the day. That is one thing that I really underestimated about here. People told me it rained, but I never thought THIS much.

This morning we ran on the track, which was wet from last night's storm. Thankfully, we did not get any more downpour until I was leaving the workout. We ran a mile warm up, followed by 2 800s at 3:30 pace, a mile at 6:47 pace, and then 2 more 800s, 3:22 and then 3:17 to finish strong. I ran with Lori and Dr. George. There were some other suspects there, too, but they were doing a different workout. I left the track and did some legs in the gym, followed by a cool down swim. Luckily Don was giving a private lesson so he left me on my own today. I am grateful for the little things. We are booking our tickets tonight for Christmas home. You can't see me, but here I am dancing.

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