Saturday, September 01, 2007

Atlanta It Is...

...for the marathon. Things were getting too complicated to coordinate MC marathon in a few short weeks, so I am running the Atlanta marathon on Thanksgiving Day. This is a beautiful thing in 2 ways: not only do I get in 26.2 miles before lunchtime, I get to enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner with my family and Roberta and her family....which means vegetarian options. I despise Thanksgiving and every offensive smell that lingers in the kitchen all day long. What better way to escape it than to run a marathon for half the day? Perfect. Here is the fall marathon I have been needing.

Today we ran 10 miles on the Jungle Trail, as it is dubbed. The usual suspects and a few I have not met before this morning. George is a surgeon and 7 time Ironman who is old enough to be my dad. He can kick my booty any day of the week. He just returned from Korea for the Ironman there and he said he runs Atlanta Marathon every year. He said it is hilly and not an easy course. I saw a dead armadillo on the road and a ton of water fowl along Jungle Trail. Thankfully, no gators out there, though those running with me delighted in telling me stories about the wildlife I so despise.

I think I am grumpy and need to go to bed. We went out with some new found friends to the country club tonight and it was hard for me to think that this is what our lives have become: eating exotic food while watching an absolutely brilliant lightening storm over the water, hobnobbing with all the old money here. The rain and wind were mild and we were outside on the veranda, so the weather was actually really lovely. The sad part was the theme over and over of people being so kind and saying how nice San Diego is (they have visited, they have family there, they know people there, etc) and me wanting to return. How can it be so nice here, but my heart is so stuck somewhere else? It feels like being married to someone but stuck in a relationship with the wrong person by accident. That is, desperately wanting to get back to the one I am in love with, but inhibited by someone else. It is a dismal place to be at times. Other times, everything is so fun and great and wonderful and new.

Tomorrow is a BBQ and beach party with another group of friends we met through the Sun Runners. I really like the couple who owns the beach house and hosting the get together. They are originally from New York and very animated and off the cuff. Their daughter is our daughter's age and the girls really like each other, too, so that is great. I will be mixing the margaritas for everyone, however, since I will not be kayaking in the sharky waters with them tomorrow.

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