Monday, March 26, 2007

"Are We There Yet?"

This is the typical sentence my kids aways seem to ask on the in the car on the road. Particually for my six year old, this question is the one that always comes when she simply cannot wait to get out and to the destination. Usually this is to Grandma's house in LA or, as was the case this past weekend, to a friend's house for a party or playdate. Sometimes it is because they have to use the potty or they are bored and anxious. This phrase about exactly sums up where I was this morning in the pool.

I have commited to moving back up to my "nomal" lane. Back in Decemeber when I had bronchitis, I moved down a lane slower since my lung capacity was about nothing. I fell right into the groove of swimming my newfound slower guys and it felt so good, I have never gone back. Comfort over effort. Call me lazy (some of my original lane mates have), but it was actually a relaxing experience to be at the workout. Instead of desperately clinging to the feet in front of me, I was able to causally float as caboose in this new lane.

However, I know a better swimmer this will not make me. So, I have asked the girls in the previous lane for some accountability, and this morning, they were all over that. I wanted very much to slink into the lane further North, but my girls were having none of that. Sadly for me, today a guy by the name of Ben, a former coach for the team, was in town visiting. He got in and he lead the lane...even faster than I anticipated.

Maybe it was because my shin was still throbbing from having kicked the tarp cart as we were pulling them off. (Is that the term, by the way? Tarp "cart"? What does one call the contraption we roll the tarps onto, anyway?)Maybe it was because I no longer come with latte in hand to the deck. Maybe it was because I didn't feel like getting out to pee (I held it, by the way). The set was awful and the whole time I was thinking, "Are we almost done yet? Are we there yet????"

100 swim, 75 stroke, 200 swim, 75 stroke, 300 swim, 75 stroke, 400 swim, 75 stroke.
The swims were supposed to be breath control, breathing every other side or something. Breath control for me was trying not to get hypoxic and control some breath...that is, actually get it to enter my lungs. I was clawing for the feet in front of me, trying desperately to hang on. That 400 loomed like a bad omen, but I was so happy to reach that final 75 at the very end.

This represents a set that is semi okay for me to handle, due to the fact that the stroke work in there is a much needed break. I still hyperventilate when I see a 400 on the board, but it would have been worse if it were all swim in a pyramid and then back down again. It just kills me to know that Marc's taper this week will "only" be 3000 a workout. For me, that would be an Olmypic standard. I don't know how those swim geeks do it? Lap after lap, turn after turn, as if it is nothing. I think I swam 2000 today and that was a huge day.

I really wanted out of that lane and to my final destination: the shower. Perhaps I need to be more sympathetic to my kids when they ask the predictable question. My lane mates were not so much with me. They chidded me for getting out when I did, chest still heaving and arms exhausted. I was so happy the clock read what it did: time to get out and get home to the little people.


justkeepswimmin said...

You should have just peed. No biggie. Marc and I both do it. If he says he doesn't, he's without a doubt, lying.

Guernsey Man said...

I tell her every day I do!!!!!!!!!!

amrunner said...

You guys are both seriously disgusting. Period.