Friday, August 25, 2006

Brick Friday

"Brick workout". Don't you all just love that term? It sounds so intense and meaningful. I think that is what I did today. Up just before 4:00 am and hit the gym...legs and some tukis is killing me right now. Off to met the run group at 5:30 for a 3 mile warm up before the turbo spin from 6-7 and then ran again, 3 more miles to finish by 7:20 ish.

Marc was off work today to get ready and rest his legs before the 50K tomorrow in LA. I opted out of the race, knowing this weekend has to be about our 5 year old and prepping for the big first day of Kindergarten Monday. I know, too, that it is probably not my cup of tea...bush wacking trhough some overgrown trail doesn't really appeal to me as much as it did when I considered it 2 months ago. I am sad to send him off solo, however. He makes me so proud, bringing home the silver last night from the Aquathlon at the beach, second only to pro Jim Vance. My man is one talented man in his sport. I love watching him race like he means it. I knew he was sad Jim showed up, but Marc never gives up. Gotta love that in an athlete.

Finished the day tonight with a little (very little) Cove swim and then another 3 mile run. The water was as clear and as beautiful as it gets and teaming with sea creatures. There were about a million divers out there tonight inspecting all the species. I always feel better when there are lots of bodies around. Someone said he saw a big thresher shark, supposedly more aggressive than the leopards that are always around. Personallly, I am not excited to see anything in the shark family. I try to just put my head down and swim, but when it is crystal clear, it is difficult not to see what is lurking below.

I am exhausted thinking of those boys driving up to Malibu for the night. Cannot wait to fall into bed and sleep like I mean it. Hoping the kids stay quiet so that dream can be a reality tonight.

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