Monday, June 29, 2009

Del Far

Or so it was named if you lived here in college, as opposed to "The Jewel", but I love Del Mar. It is magical and majestic, serene and quaint. I love running the cliffs along the railroad tracks and breathing in the Pacific gray air. Our friend Barry in FL refers to me as a "Pacific Dweller" and I think he nailed it- of the Atlantic, I am not.

Owen continues her Junior Guards every day on the beach and life is good, drinking Starbucks and taking in the many tourists from Arizona while killing time at the park. I am nothing short of exhausted, still living as a single mommy and running from one end of San Diego to the other for parks, play dates, swim team, and guards, lunch and dinner dates, birthday parties and everything in between...I fall into bed exhausted but elated.

70 degrees and no bugs. Did I mention life is good? I love a storybook day- I hope tomorrow's chapter brings more joy and adventure. How can I take for granted even one day of pure goodness? I really try not to, knowing it is drawing to a rapid close. 4:15 am for some punishment from Susan tomorrow.

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