Monday, December 17, 2007


The weekend was a complete success. Marc did awesome in his marathon, though still a little weak and not at full throttle. He ran a 2:55 wihtout even trying, which put him 16th overall and 3rd in his age group. Another plaque has joined the wall in the ever-expanding shrine in our bathroom. What a guy to pull it off...and he only ate seven Gus the whole run. Yuck! Can you imagine choking that many nasty Gus down? How do people eat cake batter while running a marathon? Whatever works. Anyway, he more than qualified for Boston, which we knew he would even not at his best, so hopefully that will come to light this spring. We are debating possibly training for something longer, like a 50 miler, but there are so many runners here who are going to Boston, it is wooing us more and more.

There was a group of Sunrunners in Jacksonville also running the marathon or half. A bunch of us went out to a pre-race dinner Saturday night, which happened to be my birthday. They were all so sweet to come with gifts and dessert offerings, which was just so much fun. I honestly really love the people I have come to know in this circle of runners. They are all so real and concerned and forth-coming with jokes, information, and affection. It is such a refreshing change to be encouraged and pushed to seek more races and workouts, rather than be criticized and yelled at for doing too much by some former running partners I cannot mention here. Crazy George was out there at Jacksonville this weekend. This was his third marathon since Thanksgiving, which is exactly what I love about these people...there are no limits, no boundaries, no stopping them in travel and training. They are all on the crazy train and they revel in having company. I love being a passenger on that train with nut cases along side me.

Marc noted that George already knows me well enough to know how painful it was to sit in the sidelines and just watch the marathon this time. Because I was on little people detail, I was not a participant this time, and George had said, "This is killing you, isn't it?" The truth is, Marc had signed up for this one long before we left San Diego and we did not know just how popular it was among the people here. I was happy to support him and be a spectator this time around, knowing that Disney is closing in fast. I ran 21 miles the weekend before this one and 15 this past weekend. One more long run and then the taper, which sounds great, actually. George and Kimmie ended up running the marathon together, Craig did well in his half, as did Lori, Gary, Frank, and Abbe.

We had to jump into the car immediately after the race to get home. Last night was Marc's company party at the big boss's house down the street from us. They have a beautiful home on the water with a huge pool they heated for the occasion. The air has finally cooled down here, but I am told not to become accustomed to it for too long. This little cold snap will be gone as quickly as it came, so I am trying to enjoy every minute. The party was painless, save for the fact that I felt like an impostor. I couldn't help but think what a fake I am for being there, since I really would never choose to be friends with any of these people or spend time at a Christmas party with them. I felt mildly annoyed that we were mingling and schmoozing with any of them, knowing I am just counting down the days until we can get home to be with family and "true" friends in Cali. Maybe I was just tired and cranky from the long drive home from Jacksonville. Either way, back in Zero Beach and the countdown resumes to get the hell out of dodge. I love the miracles this season brings.

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