Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fourth of Joy July

Today was our family annual tradition. I am really going to miss traditions like these: The Coronado 15K and 5K race. I love that in the 10 years I have lived in San Diego, I have made it to 9 of these. I even ran it one year 8 weeks post C Section (against the advice of my OB) and loved every minute of it. Not sure if I love the race or the festivities that follow it more, but every year it is pure joy.

We began the tradition with Marc and I running the 15K. Then came the birth of a baby girl and she ran along with Marc in the jogger. Baby number 2 brought us to buy the double jogger so he could participate, too. Now, our baby girl runs the 5K with dad and 4 year old boy rides in the single. Funny how life evolves.

That baby girl ran 44 minutes today, 2 minutes slower than a 5K just 6 weeks ago. She did awesome. I ran 1:07 and change, 2 minutes faster than last year. This just goes to show that my training for RNR Marathon last year was a complete disaster, knowing that I had such a poor race there in '06 and then ran the 15 K on legs that were still tired, apparently. This year, RNR was so much better and I felt fresh in Coronado, as well.

Susan and Steve came out for the run, with their 2 beautiful boys and nephew. Susan got 7th in her age group, which rocks, knowing how long she has been on run hiatus. She is tough as nails, that chick. I saw her at the turn around and was amazed at her determination and strength. Biker chick maniac, winning her races on 2 wheels and crossing over to crank in running shoes. What a woman.

For me, the first mile was 6:52 pace, followed by a few 7 minute miles, as I tried to settle in. We got on the amph base and at the turn around I still felt surprisingly good, but I backed off the pace to try to hold on, knowing I still had 4 plus miles to go. Came off base, hit mile 6 still smiling. Mile 7 was not so happy as I was running out of gas. Mile 8 I ran to catch Tattoo Man who I had been chasing most of the way, and ran on his heels to the finish. Passed some spectator who told me I was 17th woman overall, but in the results, it seems I bettered that a bit, taking 13th? Too bad my age group is so tough and I only got 7th, to be robbed of the podium finish. I'll take what it was. A great day with friends and family, emotional thinking of all the hereos who have died to make this country what it is, and then a feast in front of the parade. Love it.

1 comment:

justkeepswimmin said...

I just realized that you and I may never run a race together nor go for a jog with your move to FL, and that makes me sad.