Friday, March 13, 2009


I signed on for a race-at long last. I have not had the heart to commit to anything and I am not sure why. I think it is a funk, but the funk has subsided and I felt motivated to put something on the books after a very long hiatus.

My daughter teaches me something everyday. Two years in a row at her old swim team, she won the award for "Most Improved Swimmer". Her coach told me she had the "heart of a lion" and those words have sat in my chest like the ache I feel when I long to be home. Those words roll off my tongue when I encourage her to push a little harder in a race. I use those words to water her little soul like nourishment to stand a little taller and work a little more. Those are the words I of think of when I think about what a great, driven kid she is and how she wants to excel in so many things she does. Heart of a lion sums her up when she clambers up tall oak trees and peers down at us from above. Unstoppable is she.

Regulus is the name of the star that marks the heart of the constellation Leo in the night sky. It is one of the brightest and most beautiful stars in the sky. Regulus shines uninhibited and on fire. I am hoping I might have a little heart Sunday and make my girl proud.

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