Saturday, February 24, 2007

Oh No. Here I Go...

..into the taper. I love it and despise it. I want to tear my hair out from feeling so ancy, but I am relieved the long miles have been put in. I felt tired and extremely unenthusiastic about this morning's run. Not sure if I am burnt or that it was the feeling 8 miles is hardly worth lacing up the running shoes for?

Other than that, in taking inventory on the body, my broken toe from October is still bothering me post runs and my arches are reluctant and whiney after the shoes come off. My calves are a little tight and my right knee sore. I hope these are all good signs for a happy marathon in 8 days.

I have really made peace with the idea that LA will be whatever it will be. I am totally unfamiliar with the course and I am going with the attitude that ignorance is pure bliss. I am hoping that I can just click the miles away and roll with it without being a slave to the watch and the clocks. My sweet friend, Tracy, gave me a card this morning with advice that read: "Just flow". I think that is a good thought and I may even leave the watch behind race day. I mean, I am not a Kenyan, afterall. Who cares, right? Really, if I have one dream, one goal, one desire, my hope and prayer is that I can be GI issue-free. Please, God, let me know another marathon without vomit involved. Maybe this is a syndrome? Bulimiarathoning? Hmmm. I hope I am not destined to always fall into that diagnosis.

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