Monday, November 20, 2006


Miracle: an extraordinary or unusual event that is considered to be a manifestation of divine or supernatural power. -American Heritage Dictionary

How does that saying go again? It is some quote from somewhere that the miracle was not that one finished what he set out to do. The miracle was that he had the courage to begin or something like that?

I just read our friends' blog about their son, Corey, who was a victim of a drunk driving crash in August. He was not given a good prognosis. They were told he would not survive. But by all accounts, now reading the update blog tonight, I say he is a miracle. He went from ICU on life support to now walking with PT support. Over and over I am reminded how very fragile life is and how we need not overlook any of the miracles in our everyday life. It is a miracle my husband married me. How did he know I needed him? HOw did he know no one else would be able to tolerate my antics? My children are a miracle. Seeing them run on the park fields today in the glorious sun, they are little miracles.

It was a miracle I was able to get out of bed this morning. I was so tired (I still am), yet I dragged my tired body into the gym for a 5 mile treadmil run and lift. I then drove very slowly to the pool for a swim. There, I was met in the lane by another man who just recently survived a boating accident. He was hit by a boat as he emerged from the depths below scuba diving. He almost lost his life, and was lucky to have been spared his limbs. 2 months after that incident, or 3 weeks ago, he endured pins put into his femur after a freakish accident on the bike. Miracle. His life is a living testament to miracles. He is a bionic man and he is still in training. How is this possible?

Last Friday, a friend of a friend's 13 month old son was left alone for 2 minutes too long. It was enough time for him to find the rain water that was in the bottom of a huge plant pot in their back yard. The baby leaned in for a closer look and when mom found the boy, he was blue. He survived because a passing stranger administered CPR after frantic mom flagged someone down on the street. Huge miracle in a tiny package. That baby boy's life is not a mistake. He will go on to do great things.

We are in the season of miracles. They are happening all around us everyday. The miracle is in the colors I saw on the mountains this morning as I drove to the pool. The sun was just peeking over and the color was something I cannot even describe. Miraculous. All of this. We are. Believe it.

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