Okay, we are in the new house and it is pretty cool. We had a party here last weekend and it was almost a success. I say almost because of course it had been a beautiful week and the day of the party, literally the moment the party was to begin at 3:00, the sky opened up and it began to pour. Just when I think I might be able to make a go of something here, the weather ruins my mood again.
It poured and poured and POURED and we couldn't even enjoy the outdoor kitchen...we were all huddled in the indoor one. Actually, not true, a few of the men variety were outside under the cover watching sports on the flat screen and drinking beer while Marc tended to the BBQ. I am pretty sure that was Florida's way of giving me the middle finger on the day of our soiree. Whatever. We may have to do Cinco De Mayo to make up for this one. Honestly, it was such a great group of people, I wouldn't have cared too much if it snowed (too much)-I had a ton of fun knowing we have enough friends to actually call them together for a party.
My feet still kill, but I run anyway. Sounds like it could be a children's song, like to the tune of Bingo, or something as lame. "My feet still kill but I run anyway, and idiot is my name-o. I-D-I-O-T, I-D-I-O-T, I-D-I-O-T and idiot is my name-o. Yep. I am sure it can't be good for me as I crank up the mileage, but it is that or live cranky. I would rather be an idiot than cranky and unpleasant, so here I go again tomorrow at 4:30 am. Just another day. I am ready to hit bricks and pass out.